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Run for Change
Run for Change BELGRADE RUNNING CLUB Belgrade | Serbia My story about sport begins when I was really young – says Veroljub Zmijanac,...
Spiritual farming
As Wikipedia says: “Anthroposophy is a philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner that postulates the existence of an objective, intellectually...
Face to Face
Face to Face LICEULICE Belgrade | Serbia We heard already several times about street magazines. We tried to meet with the founder of one...
Green circle
Green Circle ZELENO Belgrade | Serbia 7 years ago, I moved to Belgrade and I saw there are no normal fruits and vegetables anymore – says...
A better world in practice
A better world in practice ZWOLNIENI Z TEORII Warsaw | Poland Everything started from a small project we developed during our studies –...
34% of Good
34% of Good FR3SH4S Macedonia| Skopje We met Ljubomir Stojcheski through the Retweet a Meal initiative, within which volunteers from...
From Twitter to Social Action
From Twitter to Social Action RETWEET A MEAL Skopje | Macedonia Since we entered Skopje, the initiative we heard the most about was...
Come as guest, leave as friend
Come as guest, leave as friend VILLA DIHOVO Dihovo | Macedonia Villa Dihovo is a place where you can come and rest, surrounded by nature,...
Equality, as simple as that
Equality, as simple as that WIDEOTŁUMACZ Lodz| Poland Wideotłumacz [Videointerpreter] is an innovative idea, which allows deaf people to...
Ride the right path
Ride the right path DYNAMO Bologna | Italy What is Dynamo? Simona Larghetti: Dynamo is the first velostation in Italy, it provides...
Inclusion first
Inclusion first L'ALTRO SPAZIO Bologna | Italy L’Altro Spazio is a cafeteria project based on the concept of inclusion – says Nunzia...
This is what we want
This is what we want GOOD FOOD COMMUNITY Manila| Philippines I grew up in Manila, Philippines, as a third generation of Chinese - says...
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