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Don’t do it unless you want to
One of our New Year resolutions was to learn more about communities. What are they? How to build them? How do they make decisions? How to...

It’s just a journey
It was a very strong winter, in 2017. So strong that for a few months we were barely poking our nose out of the buildings, sightseeing...

Leave it better than you found it
Leave it better than you found it SCOUT HOUSE Cluj-Napoca | Romania We heard about the Scout House, something between a co-working space...

Every day counts
Every day counts LITTLE PEOPLE Cluj-Napoca| Romania We deliver psychological support to children with cancers in hospitals - says Oana...

Play and get healthy
Play and get healthy MIRA REHAB Cluj-Napoca | Romania Can technology change the world for the better? Of course! And Mira Rehab is one of...

Traveling in winter
The cozy Youthink hostel in Cluj. A big mug of hot tea. -15 outside. The perfect conditions to write a post about traveling in winter. We...

Hosting Responsibly
Hosting Responsibly YOUTHINK Cluj-Napoca| Romania Since we entered the Youthink, we knew it’s not an usual hostel. The path between...

You will find a way
You will find a way AMBASADA Timisoara | Romania Ambasada was the place which basically all people we met in Timisoara recommended us to...

Code your future
Code your future CODER DOJO Timisoara | Romania Coder Dojo is an international program, within which young people learn how to code. Radu...

Traveling in Myanmar
“You were in Myanmar one month?! So long?!” We hear this question often, especially if by chance the person knows where Myanmar is....

Run for Change
Run for Change BELGRADE RUNNING CLUB Belgrade | Serbia My story about sport begins when I was really young – says Veroljub Zmijanac,...

Macedonia for alternative travelers
Macedonia, alike to the other Balkan countries, is an interesting mixture of different cultures, nationalities, nature, tastes. At first...
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