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What keeps you ground on in difficult times?
#AskAQuestion: Is there a book, thought, activity/routine etc you especially ground on in difficult times? Interesting question. We...

Piadina (flat bread)
Wanna eat something coming back from the beach or at the end of a party night? Or maybe during a day trip, as Anna is doing in the...

Traveling after pandemia
Italy is finally opening for good. We can even start to travel. Still not too far, not for too long, but even a weekend bike trip gave us...

It's always worth trying
It's always worth trying EDUKABE Lodz | Poland I rebelled I rebelled since childhood. At the beginning it was a fight for the younger and...

Cultural differences
#OurRelations: Cultural differences Let's begin our new series of posts, focused on love and romantic relation, from the quite obvious,...

Here and now
Last #MileStoneExperience before we started to travel around the world was probably the coaching school. Inspired by John, I joined a...

Italian Pizza
A collection of Italian recipes cannot lack the Italian food par excellence: Pizza! However, what we suggest is an uncommon take,...

What makes you hopeful?
#AskAQuestion: What makes hopeful you (if you are) or any of the changemaker you've met on the way? Decision. We believe that being...

Our relations
Dear all. We got extremely touched by your reactions and replays to the posts about our relation. Recently we published few of them,...

Easter Cheese Bread
Crescia sal furmai or Crescia d'Pasqua (Cheese bread or Easter bread, in the local dialect from Fano, Italy) is a cheese bread commonly...

What after corona?
Much of the world is slowly opening up after #corona lockdown. In Italy, were we are now, people can go for a walk, most of the shops got...

How did you start?
#AskAQuestion. Today we combine two questions: 1. How did you start? and 2. Before you got to know each other, each of you had thought...
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