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Buono come una cheesecake
Buono come una cheesecake YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon | Birmania In Myanmar non è stato facile trovare changemaker, in particolare...

Dobre jak sernik
Dobre jak sernik YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon | Birma Znalezienie światozmieniaczy w Birmie, w tym przede wszystkim przedsiębiorców i...

Good as a cheesecake
Good as a cheesecake YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon| Myanmar It was not easy to find changemakers, in particular social entrepreneurs, in...

Być tylko
Wydawało nam się, że po siedmiu miesiącach podróżowania po Azji Południowo-Wschodniej przyzwyczailiśmy się już do tutejszego podejście do...

Essere e basta
Pensavamo che dopo 7 mesi di viaggio nel sud est asiatico ci fossimo abituati al modo di vivere della gente in questa regione. Niente di...

Be only
We thought that after seven months travelling in South East Asia we got used to the local attitude toward life. We were wrong. Two weeks...

Rendere possibile assunzioni etiche per lavoratori migranti
Rendere possibile assunzioni etiche per lavoratori migranti WE ARE CARING Singapore La storia di David Bensadon è una delle più...

Zmienić paradygmat w handlu ludźmi
Zmienić paradygmat w handlu ludźmi WE ARE CARING Singapur Historia Davida Bensadona zrobiła na nas ogromne wrażenie. Postanowił on zająć...

Enabling Ethical Hiring for migrant workers
Enabling Ethical Hiring for migrant workers WE ARE CARING Singapore David Bensadon’s story is one of the most impressive among those...

Dobroć płynie z serca
Dobroć płynie z serca DIGNITY KITCHEN Singapur| Singapur Dignity Kitchen jest nieco ukryte pomiędzy budynkami. Kilka minut zajęło nam...

Kindness comes from the heart
Kindness comes from the heart DIGNITY KITCHEN Singapore| Singapore The Dignity Kitchen is a bit hidden among other buildings. It took us...

Filipino Hello Kitty
Filipino Hello Kitty PLUSH AND PLAY Bulacan| Philippines Plush and Play is one of the social enterprises working in Gawad Kalinga, an...
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