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Z miłości do piersi
Mam na imię Anna. Zawsze bałam się raka piersi. Wystąpił po obu stronach mojej rodziny. Wierzyłam, że to też moje przeznaczenie. I...

Il seno con amore
Il mio nome è Anna. Ho sempre avuto paura del cancro al seno. Ci sono stati casi da entrambi i lati della mia famiglia. Era solo una...

In love with my boobies
My name is Anna. I was always afraid of breast cancer. There were cases on both sides of my family. It seemed like fate. And then the day...

That's how I opened the jar!
Let me tell you how I became a feminist. It all began in Ojców, Poland, many years ago. At that time, I was a student addicted to...

Tra donne
Tra donne WARMIPURA Sacred Valley| Peru Alcuni anni fa ho terminato l'università di legge a Lima. Sono andata lì pensando di poter...

Między kobietami
Między kobietami WARMIPURA Sacred Valley| Peru Kilka lat temu skończyłam studia prawnicze w Limie. Poszłam tam myśląc, że będę w stanie...

Among women
Among women WARMIPURA Sacred Valley| Peru I went to the law school in Lima, Peru, thinking as a lawyer I will be able to design and apply...

Przeprogramować programowanie
Przeprogramować programowanie LABORATORIA Santiago| Chile Wiele z nas chce być kolejnym Billem Gatesem lub Stevem Jobsem, zaczynając od...

Riprogrammare il mondo IT
Riprogrammare il mondo IT LABORATORIA Santiago| Chile Molti vorrebbero essere il nuovo Bill Gates o il nuovo Steve Jobs, partendo dal...

Recode coding
Recode coding LABORATORIA Santiago| Chile Many want to be the next Bill Gates or the next Steve Jobs, starting from their backyard and...

Imparar facendo
Imparar facendo WOWOMAN Baku | Azerbaijan Zara Huseynova, 24 anni. Da 6 anni fondatrice e manager di un'azienda di abbigliamento che...

Ucz się w działaniu
Ucz się w działaniu WOWOMAN Baku | Azerbejdżan Zara Huseynova, 24 lata. Od 6 lat właścicielka biznesu odzieżowego zatrudniającego 15...
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