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Learn on the go
Learn on the go WOWOMAN Baku | Azerbaijan Zara Huseynova, 24 years old. Since 6 years founder and manager of a clothing business which...

Szycie społeczności
Szycie społeczności PROJECT OI Bukareszt | Rumunia Od czego się zaczęło? Claudia Pedersen: Przez wiele lat pracowałam dla NGOsów, w ciągu...

Sferruzzando sferruzzando...
Sferruzzando sferruzzando... PROJECT OI Bucharest | Romania Com'è partito questo progetto? Claudia Pedersen: Mi sono formata nel settore...

Knit a community
Knit a community PROJECT OI Bucharest | Romania How did everything start? Claudia Pedersen: I have a background in the non-governmental...

Buono come una cheesecake
Buono come una cheesecake YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon | Birmania In Myanmar non è stato facile trovare changemaker, in particolare...

Dobre jak sernik
Dobre jak sernik YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon | Birma Znalezienie światozmieniaczy w Birmie, w tym przede wszystkim przedsiębiorców i...

Good as a cheesecake
Good as a cheesecake YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon| Myanmar It was not easy to find changemakers, in particular social entrepreneurs, in...

Rendere possibile assunzioni etiche per lavoratori migranti
Rendere possibile assunzioni etiche per lavoratori migranti WE ARE CARING Singapore La storia di David Bensadon è una delle più...

Zmienić paradygmat w handlu ludźmi
Zmienić paradygmat w handlu ludźmi WE ARE CARING Singapur Historia Davida Bensadona zrobiła na nas ogromne wrażenie. Postanowił on zająć...

Enabling Ethical Hiring for migrant workers
Enabling Ethical Hiring for migrant workers WE ARE CARING Singapore David Bensadon’s story is one of the most impressive among those...

Odblokowywanie potencjału kobiet
Odblokowywanie potencjału kobiet WEDU Bangkok | Tajlandia Wszystko zaczęło się dzięki Mario Ferro, założycielowi i obecnemu szefowi Wedu....

Unlocking the leadership potential of women
Unlocking the leadership potential of women WEDU Bangkok | Thailand Everything started thanks to Mario Ferro, CEO and co-founder of Wedu....
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