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Saturday we took part in the farewell party of Kasia (I mentioned about her while writing about contacts which she gave us to people from all continents). She is leaving for her own adventure thanks to what we are the owner of two cats (but that’s another, quite interesting story; for now cats seat under the bed so there is not much to write about them). During the party, as I’d expected, we met quite a lot interesting people. One of them told us a lot about Middle East, but also about Africa, especially Ethiopia. That was good point to come back to discussion about Africa, as we have completely different attitude toward it. Considering all continents I’ve always dreamt mostly about South America and Africa. While for Andrea Asia seems to be the most interesting and Africa not at all. We still haven’t agreed how much time we want to spend travelling there. I hope that yesterday stories about Ethiopia would be the first point of change in his attitude :). Especially because I’ve also seen thousand books about Africa in Kasia’s room among others “Heban” of Kapuściński, and all my sentiments about this continent came back. Few years ago, while preparing Beyong Borders project which finished on the top of Kilimanjaro (, I was also writing my thesis about Dreams about Africa in Polish Modern Literature. I wrote about Kapuściński (“Heban”), Kinga Choszcz (“Moja Afryka”) and group of disabled people who reached the top of Kilimajaro (“Każdy ma swoje Kilimandżaro”). Since that time, I’m deeply in love with Africa, waiting for the possibility to discover it more.

Speaking about that, on Kasia’s bookshelves I found also another book of Kinga Choszcz, “Prowadził nas los”, which is the description of the journey around the world which she did with her boyfriend. I read it some time ago, but I feel that reading it now would have completely different meaning. They bought tickets and started the journey having only 500 dollars in their pocket. And using hitchhiking, they travelled 5 years around the world, letting fate to lead them. I can’t wait to read about that again.


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