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Inspiring meetings with Agata and Tristan

Yesterday I had two very inspiring meetings. First of them was with Agata, my Ashoka boss, with whom I discussed our travel. She gave me a lot of good advise as well as thoughts and ideas which now are worth to work on. I started with Andrea already yesterday evening by writing down our story which made us to decide to go around the world. Once this is ready we will start to speak with media, sponsors and any kind of potential supporters. I hope that tomorrow we finish the first version of our story and we would be ready for next steps. Agata gave us also a lot of new ideas of how to make our travel more recognizable and meaningful. We also agreed for official collaboration so Ashoka become our partner, solving also a lot of legal issues (like official account for donation for example). It is good to have such organization behind. On the other hand also for Ashoka it can be a good way to promote what they do, gain some money and information about changemakers around the world. Sound like true win-win collaboration.

Second meeting was with Tristan, my coach from PwC. I’m taking part in the project called Dwa sektory jedna wizja (Two sectors, one vision) organized by PwC and Szkoła Liderów (School of Leader). Within the project I, as social leader, work with coach from business who helps me to develop my project and general changing the world activity. Tristan supports me mostly with Ekonomia jest kobietą project and I have to say that our meetings give me a lot of new inspiration, motivation as well as solutions which I’ve never thought about. It is very interesting meeting of two people working in the different contexts but in fact having quite often the same problems. I appreciate a lot the possibility to discuss my challenges with Tristan and see together what could be done.

All in all, it was extremely inspiring day with two important people for me. Hard to decide how to name them: my coaches, mentors, authorities, friends. Probably everything a little bit. Anyway, thank you for all your support and keep your finger crossed for our plans!

Thank you


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