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Big vision

Today I’ve officially finished Dwa sektory jedna wizja program (“Two sectors, one vision”) in which I worked for half a year with coach from PwC. As I already mentioned before, my coach was truly amazing and helped me a lot by giving support, inspiration and ideas for solutions for different problems which I had on the way. Thanks again, Tristan, for your patience, understanding, involvement and flexibility, it gave me a lot and for sure helped to make our Ekonomia jest kobieta project even bigger.

Another interesting thing which happened in that program is the letter which I wrote to myself half a year ago, and today, during evaluation of the program, I’ve got it. I completely forgot what I wrote there and in fact it was quite surprising. I wrote about having a big vision. About fear to fail. Half a year ago I was scared to think big which was quite new for me. After few years of rather adapting to the world (for different reasons) I missed a lot a great vision to which I could completely dedicate myself. But at the same time I was scared to fail. And this fear in a way blocked me (or at least had potential to do that). I analysed it a lot, trying to understand what happened. I suppose that first of all it was about few failure which had happened in my life at the beginning of “adult” life, and which for a while stopped me. Secondly, situation in which I had to find myself last few years, every few months changing the place of life, trying to adapt to new culture, language and conditions, blocked me a little bit from creating visions and projects with big impact.

Today I don’t even remember that I had this fear not long time ago. Just few months before I missed vision like this which we had during Beyond Borders project (

And now… well, seems that my fear, lack (or however we name it) of big visions completely disappeared… Considering our plan for next years my short stop in having big visions is now completely compensated ;)

Conclusion? Everybody has doubts, breaks, has to slow down for a while. Everybody fails sometimes. The most important is anyway allow yourself to think big and overcome fear. After a while you will not even remember that it existed.


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