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First changemaker story

So, it’s ready. First story about changemaker. I wrote about Paulina, girl from Warsaw who created idea of Intergeneration Dancing (Dancing Międzypokoleniowy). Story can be already read by everybody who support us at least by few zloty/euro on one of the platform:

Here I would like to write more about creation process. I’ve always liked to write, although I was never doing it for any professional reason. I was not sure what would be the result of our first, trial story. But I have to say I’m quite satisfied. From the very beginning I saw the story in my mind, I heard it, I could imagine the structure and the message behind. It was very exciting to write it and even more to wait for first feedback. I didn’t know what to expect and I’m very grateful Kasia Subko as well as Mateusz Piątkowski, Ada Augustyniak and Kasia Zwolak, my first readers, for their opinions and suggestions.

Creating a story is difficult and time consuming process. Firstly you need to spend enough time with people you want to write about. Then you record what they say, so you have to listen to it again and write down the information. But this is still only beginning. Writing down information is not a story. Story needs structure and logic to be interesting. How to put things the way readers want to follow and they gain something more than few facts. There is where all creation act starts. And this is the most challenging and the most exciting part ever. With time you just start to see the story even before you write down what people said. You pay much more attention to details which can be a background to your story: clothes, environment, way the people communicate or behave toward others, colors, impressions, emotions. And once you got them you have to find a way your reader got them as well.

I wrote my first story in Polish. And I have to say that writing it in English and Italian meant in fact writing it again.

Many days of work. But it was worth. It is worth. And I would love to share that work with all of you!


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