Second day. I am waiting for Andrea, who has gone to pick up our luggage, so I have time to write something. There is not so many moments to actually do that, and even if they appear, we dedicated them rather to planning further travel than writing diary. In a place where I’m waiting there is no the Internet, so I can just open Word file and write.
At the beginning – some truisms. Firstly, it is very hot here, and in this temperature you need much more energy to do daily things, not to mention finding yourself in a new, big city, where almost everything is written with signs which have nothing to do with our alphabet. Secondly, during the travel time flows differently. It’s absolutely impossible that this is only our second day in Thailand. I feel that centuries have passed since we boarded a plane in Warsaw. Thirdly, everything here is different. I still catch myself on the fact that I stared at the passing women, men frying something on the surrounding stall, at the next temple, the image of Queen or billboards with Asian people (who, in fact, are somehow less Asian than those on the streets, presenting more European type of beauty).
Today we spent time mainly on discovering Bangkok. I have to say with all certainty: there is something more than shopping malls here. Charming, small markets, tranquil Buddhist temples and… scouts! We met them by chance and unfortunately English turned out to be a significant barrier. But we took a lot of pictures and decided to appear after the weekend in the national scout office. At the beginning of the week we are also going to visit the Thai Volunteer Centre, have a lunch with the representatives of Ashoka and meet with changemaker who leads the Bangkok center supporting social entrepreneurs. It will be intensive time! Before that, though, we have calm (?) weekend and first couchsurfing meetings – now with Pablo, the Spanish host, and tomorrow with the native of Thailand.
Can’t wait!