Behind us five months in Europe. So many things happened! More than 800 people, adults and kids, took part to our presentations and workshops; we collaborated with many amazing organizations, AIESEC, Amnesty International, Ashoka, Entrepreneur Impet, MakeSense, Scouting, just to mention a few. We started to contribute regularly with National Geographic and Kupuj Odpowiedzialnie Foundation. We spoke about our project at Google Poland as well as during the TEDx in Łódź and Krakow. We gave many interviews among others to different channels of Polskie Radio, to Echo24 TV and Coaching magazine. We organized three editions of the 6-day Changemaker Course. And above all we built a team of people who believe in our vision.
We just started hitting the road again. We are in Macedonia to do next Changemaker Course and from there we will slowly come back to Asia. When telling the stories about South East Asia many people asked us why we didn’t start from Europe itself. And that’s a good point. People doing good, working on changing the world are everywhere. And so are the people which are just about to start their project and that could be interested on our course. So we decided to keep traveling but in Poland, or rather in Europe, are staying wonderful people, with whom we will continue to put into action our dream of a world where everyone is a changemaker. Our friends Agata Lamparska and Marcin John will collect stories of local changemakers, together with us trying to inspire more and more people. Plus, Agata will coordinate the Polish editions of the Changemaker Course as well as any other workshop or event related to the topic. Marcin will be responsible for Europe. One of the main features of the Changemaker Course is mobility. We want to bring it to different parts of Poland, Europe and the whole world, building a network of people who want to do something good for themselves and for their communities. Thanks to Agata and Marcin our project is going to the next phase: it’s not only Anna and Andrea travelling around the world and looking for changemakers, it’s the Changemakers Foundation, which works to inspire, support and educate people who care.
Keep your fingers crossed!
(or, even better, join us, for example by participating in Changemaker Course: changemakercourse.wixsite.com/home ;))