Although the decision of quitting everything and traveling around the world came about relatively quickly, I believe it took a life-time preparation to be actually ready to even think about that. In one of our presentations I share crucial life events, milestones which brought me where I am today. Each #MileStoneExperience taught me something which proved crucial in our current life style. I created a series of posts to share with you those important moments and learnings. First and foremost turning point happened when I was 8 and a classmate of mine invited me for a scout meeting. Actually it was quite boring - about scout rules - but I immediately fell in love with the people, the atmosphere and the leader of the team, which till today is a close friend. I could write hundreds of pages about what I’ve learned thanks to scouting. I would literally be a completely different person if not for this movement. It’s in scouting that I developed crucial social skills like teamwork, creativity, leadership. It’s in scouting that I could try and fail and try again, checking what I like, what I’m good at, what I want to do in the future. It’s in scouting that I met people who told me "You can", and always believe in me. It’s in scouting that I implemented my first social projects, I tried out some crazy ideas, I became a leader at a very young age and I pushed myself far out of the comfort zone. It’s in scouting that I met my closest friends, with whom we spent countless hours speaking about life, values, dreams. Scouting taught me to think and speak about important issues, to act for others and to do my best. But the most important - and I would underline it as life changing learning - scouting gave me the passion to leave this world better than I found it. It became my life motto and a sort of road post which I follow till today. It’s in scouting that I learned to be changemaker. PS. Happy World Thinking Day, sisters and brothers from around the world. PS2. I think it’s a good place for few special THANK YOU: Thanks Anna Jakubowska-Rapkiewicz - my first scout leader, for being present till today and creating a space in which I could grow fast. Thanks Paula Szymańska for bringing me to the first scout meeting. You are not with us anymore physically, but you are in my heart forever. Thanks Piotr Kowalski, Marcin Binasiak and Dariusz Supeł for supporting me in my leader development, going to the next level. Thanks Katarzyna Subko-Wojtaszek for the deep understanding beyond words and your presence no matter what. Thanks Marcin John for doing things fast, before we realize they are stupid. Thanks Magdalena Supeł for the Jamboree adventure, a dream which we didn’t known we had dreamt about. Thanks Karolina Brzezińska, Ania Ratyńska, Kasia Chrzanowska, Magdalena Obłąk, Mateusz Piatkowski for co-creating the scout teams, giving the opportunity to others to become scouts. Thanks Maria Nyklewicz, Joanna Stompel, Michał Adamiak, Aleksandra Wietecha-Drobik, Anna Leśniak, Gabriela Matuszko, Ania Krzyczmonik, Kasia Dziasek, Justyna Rędzikowska, Magdalena Pilarska-Jędrzejczak, Filip Urbanek for co-creating the trainers team, thanks to which I made sure which direction I want to go in my professional life. Thanks Emila Kulczyk for giving me the opportunity to work at a national level and Marek Skrzydlewski for changing some of the ideas into beautiful books. Thanks Ekonomia jest kobietą team, for dreaming big and not being satisfied with reaching 1000 girls with financial education. And thank you all the other, hundreds of people without whom my life wouldn’t be so full of adventures, happiness and meaning.