My next #MileStoneExperience was also connected with Mateusz – the friend with whom I went abroad for the first time. Few years later, finishing his Erasmus in Portugal, he wrote me a message: would you like to come to Camino de Santiago with me? I didn't have much of an idea about Camino but, used to never say no to adventures, I went. Some months later we ended up in Pampelona, Spain, with huge backpacks, theoretically ready for walking 700 km. Only theoretically. I'd had quite a big experience in short hiking trips, but absolutely no idea how to walk in the flat, hot Spain for three weeks in a row. After the first 20 km I sat down on the floor and said: "That's it. I don't go any further. No way I would walk every day like this for next three weeks". Well, at the end I did. ;) What helped me was to focus on next single step. I still had a big vision in my mind – Santiago de Compostella, the final point of pilgramage – but what I focused all my conscious effort on was only this particular day of walk. And in very bad moments – just next kilometer or even next step, nothing more. Finally, that was one of the most beautiful experiences I had and I deeply fell in love with Camino. So much so that I went back four more times, as I will share in the next stories.