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Be alone


During my Erasmus, described in the previous #MileStoneExperience, I also decided to go for the next Camino de Santiago, this time alone. I chose the Portuguese one, starting from Porto and finishing after around 300 km in Santiago. Twice shorter than the first Camino, yet challenging as walking alone is quite a different experience than sharing the road with a friend. I had to learn how to drink coffee with myself, how to enjoy small things around me without the possibility to share, how to motivate myself in the difficult moments, how to face challenges without outside support. And how to simply enjoy time with myself. This post series refers to events in my life which made me quit everything and start to travel around the world and which proved to be crucial in our new nomadic lifestyle. Being alone may seems not so central, as we travel as a couple, but at the end it saved me few times. Since the very beginning we were spreading from time to time while travelling – the first time out of a crisis, which forced us to go separately and find back the will to stay together, and all the other times as kind of buffer space to avoid other crises to come. Doing Camino alone in Portugal was an important exam which made me ready to say yes to solo travel through Indonesia, Brazil, or Colombia. But also when last year in Europe we spent half of the time separated, following our own passions - Andrea joined a permaculture farm in Austria and I kept going with trainings and workshops across Europe. Even in the best relation the ability to be alone, with myself, to be a whole person is a crucial point.

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