SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies.
By the end of 2017, 68.5 million people had been forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict, violence or human rights violations.
There are at least 10 million stateless people who have been denied nationality and its related rights.
49 countries lack laws protecting women from domestic violence.
1 billion people are legally ‘invisible’ because they cannot prove who they are. This includes an estimated 625 million children under 14 whose births were never registered.
Every 5 minutes, somewhere in the world, a child is killed by violence.
Number of victims of human trafficking worldwide in 2018 = 85 613. Region with the highest number of victims worldwide in 2018 = South and Central Asia. Share of victims who were children in 2018 = 30%. Percentage of which were female victims trafficked for sexual exploitation = 77.5%.
Will you host your own #DiversityDinner by inviting your neighbours, friends or colleagues for an evening to share food, conversation and laughter? You could ask each of your friends to make a dish from a different culture to their own. Why not discuss the importance of cultural diversity in societies and the possible challenges facing your communities?*
Try the exercise Circle of Influence, described on page 125 of this publication. Invite few friends to join you.
More inspiration:
To read
Bakongo, Colombia – A story about building peace and connection between ex-partizants and their victims.
We are caring, Singapore – agency which provides good working conditions for domestic workers coming from poorer countries.
Mulberry farm, Laos – organic silk farm opened on one of the most bombarded land of Laos to bring people back to their roots and provide jobs.
To watch
Introduction to SDG 16.*
This documentary (2019) tells of India’s unexplored world of human trafficking. You can also read more about human trafficking here.*
For more info about other SDGs, have a look here.
* These information and calls to action come from the fantastic Development Perspectives material about SDGs. Have a look here to discover more.