SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
An estimated 172 million people worldwide were without work in 2018.
As a result of an extending labour force, the number of unemployed is projected to increase by 1 million every year.
Some 700 million workers lived in extreme or moderate poverty in 2018, with less than US$3.20 per day.
Women's participation in the labour force stood at 48 percent in 2018, compared with 75 percent for men.
Overall, 2 billion workers were in informal employment in 2016, accounting for 61 percent of the world's workforce.
Let's engage with the concept of Doughnut Economics. Not only do we ask you to read up on what it's all about and on the projects involved in it (as part of the Doughnut Economic Action Lab) – we also encourage you to show some doughnut by using „Doughnut Frame” for social media profile pictures. And if someone asks about it: don't be shy, tell them what you know, and invite them to join in. After all it's #NotAboutTheDough! For any post, don't forget to use #SDGChallenge #SDG8 #DecentWork* More about the Doughnut Economics concept you can find here.
If you plan to buy something – choose fair products or services, if possible from social businesses. Where and how we spend our money can bring a huge change to the world. If you are an entrepreneur – make your business as social as possible. Get inspired by examples of social businesses listed below.
Organize a debate with friends, colleagues or family – is growth the only solution? (check videos below for some inspiration in that topic).
More inspiration:
To read
Examples of social businesses from all over the world:
Hidden City Tours – tours around Barcelona guided by homeless people.
Plush and play – stuffed toy in shape of fruits and vegetables produced by women who struggle to meet basic needs in the Philippines.
Social Tea House - tea house hiring young people from orphanages, providing them mentoring and a first job experience:
Soria Moria – boutique hotel in Cambodia, supporting the local community and giving workers shares of the business, so they become not only employees, but also owners.
Stanimira Chocolate House – chocolate factory, supporting local, Bulgarian NGOs by donating chocolate and 10% of their profit.
Servisenior – Chilean platform where seniors can look for small jobs, which give them additional income to add to their insufficient retirement:
First harvest – peanut butter produced by women coming from poor communities in the Philippines:
Amazonas Explorer – responsible trips to Machu Picchu in Peru:
Phare Circus – social circus from Cambodia supporting local artists and street children:
And what about Gift Economy instead?
Villa Dihovo - hotel in a Macedonian village in which you decide how much you may, depending on your satisfaction.
Casa de Cultura Permanenta - community house in Romania, based completely on Gift Economy principles.
To watch
What is Decent Work.*
What about degrowth instead of growth? Get familiar with the concept of degrowth through the example of oranges.*
Charles Eisenstain proposes a new approach to economics. We love all his movies, but among those connected to economics we recommend those two for the beginning: Sacred Economics Universal Basic Income
For more info about other SDGs, have a look here.
* These information and calls to action come from the fantastic Development Perspectives material about SDGs. Have a look here to discover more.