SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
About 2.6 billion people are facing difficulties in accessing electricity full time.
In 2019, almost the entire global population lived within reach of a mobile cellular (97%) and/or mobile-broadband signal (93%). However, it is estimated that only 54% actually use the internet.
2.5 billion people worldwide lack access to basic sanitation.
In 2019, the amount of new renewable power capacity added was the highest ever.
In some low income African countries, infrastructure constraints cut businesses productivity by around 40%.
If you are currently working from home, or even if you're not, we invite you to use the time you would normally spend commuting to work to get outside and explore greenways in your region and to share your experiences with us and those around you – maybe you'll encourage them to join in and enjoy what nature has to offer! If sharing, don't forget to use: #FakeCommute #TravelTheGreenWay #SDG9 #SustainableInfrustructure*
Lead a Marshmallow Challenge for a group of people and summarise it discussing what is needed for innovating. After that, watch the TEDx talk.
How innovation and technology influence our lives and the lives of generations to come? Hold a discussion with your friends and colleagues. Get inspired by Harari's work and the theories explained in his books, such as Homo Deus.
Lead the Building Circular Industries activity described on page 33 of this publication. Wanna get inspired by more Circular Economy stories? Find them here.
More inspiration:
To read
Coder Dojo, Romania – international movement of volunteers organizing coding classes for children and youth.
Mira Rehab, Romania – using IT skills to improve health of children who require rehabilitation.
Share Toy, Portugal – engineering students using their technological skills to repair broken toys and make them ready to be donated.
Laboratoria, Chile – programming course for women from disadvantaged background, which in half a year provides them with unique skills and job opportunities.
Compadre, Peru – a company helping coffee farmers from remote parts of Peru by providing them solar powered coffee roasting machines and a market for their organic product.
To watch
SDG 9. Explaining industry, infrastructure and innovation.*
The Venus Project, a non-profit organization that presents a new socio-economic model utilizing science and technology toward social betterment to achieve a sustainable civilization of abundance for all, without exception. Many call it impossible, but is it really so? Check out this documentary to discover more:.*
For more info about other SDGs, have a look here.
* These information and calls to action come from the fantastic Development Perspectives material about SDGs. Have a look here to discover more.